Bake: Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

The whoopie pie has a contentious past.  Maine, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania all lay claim to (what I describe as) the cupcake sandwich.  Some historians claim the treat originated with the Pennsylvania Dutch, where housewives would place the snack in their husbands' lunchboxes; at lunchtime, the men would pull out the pies and exclaim "Whoopie!"  Maine contends that it was invented in their state by a commercial bakery employee attempting to use up leftover cake batter.  Maine is so certain it originated the whoopie pie that it designated the pie as official state treat.  Others assert that the pie was invented in Boston as a way to sell more marshmallow Fluff.  We may never know the true history of the whoopie pie.  What we do know is that they're delicious.  My fall-inspired recipe after the jump...

Cookbook Club: Pinxtos

What was on the menu for October's Cookbook Club?  Apparently, disappointment.  Pintxos: Small Plates in the Basque Tradition, is a beautiful book written about one of my favorite niches of one of my favorite cuisines. Having visited the epicenter of pintxos last year (Hondarribia and San Sebastian), I was excited to whip up some of my own.  I'm still excited to try making my own, because Pintxos (the cookbook) somehow does not show you how to make pintxos (the food).